To express or in particular, write down your thoughts, frees your heart – lightens the load - clears your headspace.

Well, here are some thoughts on the subject of respect.

To act in a civil manner does not necessarily demonstrate respect or, for that matter, disrespect.
Integrity based respect is earned – it cannot be demanded.

The very fact that anyone verbally demands respect, is disrespectful. 

Demanding respect means you have not yet earned or perhaps, even deserve the respect you so crave.

If you set the time for a meeting, whether with one or more people and then pitches late – or is not available when people pitch on time, at your office for an appointment despite you, more often than not, actually being in your office, without offering an advance notice or an apology – then your behaviour is utterly disrespectful.

You cannot demand respect whilst you constantly bombard others with verbally abusive behaviour.

If you are guilty of this kind of behaviour, it is perhaps time for serious introspection to gain a better insight into your understanding and or application of respect. If you refuse to do this, then there is no doubt in my mind that you probably suffer some or other personality disorder and if it is not attended to, it will eventually destroy you.

And just remember, there will come a time when people are not going to give a shit about your disrespectful attitude, economic status or the need for your business, support or participation.

And it will be all on you …



In his book ABRAHAM author Bruce Feiler journey’s in search of the man at the heart of the world’s three monotheistic faiths (Jews, Christians and Muslims) – and as he put it, its deadliest conflicts.

It is a fascinating work as it links these faiths through one common denominator – Abraham. And although Abraham’s story is consistent, each has its own interpretation thereof.  

I am not about to present you with a review of the book but one paragraph forced a double-take when I read it: “Abraham, I was discovering, is not just a gentle man of peace. He’s as much a model for fanaticism as he is for moderation. He nurtured in his very behaviour – in his conviction to break from his farther, in his willingness to terrorize both of his sons – the intimate connection between faith and violence. And then, by elevating such conduct to the standard of piety, he stirred in his descendants a similar desire to lash out, to view pain as an arm of belief and to brutality to advance their vision of a divine-centered world.”

In a sense this paragraph explains much of the underlying tension within these religious groupings. 

But read the book … it’s worth it.   


Morning and Evening Reviews

This is one of my favorite things to do and I learned it many years ago whilst studying various energy healing techniques.

At the beginning of a new day I would just “play” my program/activities for the day in my mind, sometimes “playing” whole presentations and or challenging meetings in my mind. It often brings clarity, improved and more creative solutions and approaches.

I do the same in the evening once I am comfortable and warm in bed. Just work through all that which happened during the day beginning with the most recent, conversations and interactions with people and so forth. It is amazing how one finds, in hindsight, wisdom in the “mistakes” as well the miracles that occurred during the day.

This is usually followed by a prayer that is filled with humbleness and gratitude, because the past day, has been possible only through the grace of the Great Spirit.


Knowing all the answers to all the challenges we face, is not an imperative – patience, gratitude and a humble disposition is!
© Matthys Ferreira



If you are an avid reader like me, one is often confronted by copy, which although compelling, is so complicated and academic that it challenges your patience. And then, if you persist, you realize that the author could easily have simplified the subject matter.

After having edited some academic documents, and shortened it by almost 70%, I was congratulated by the author on the effectiveness of my edit. I then asked about why he used such difficult language? “It is the way of us academics,” he replied. Be that as it may, if one wants readers of all to access your writing, you have to simplify it.

Research has shown that people don’t read anymore. With the event of computers and the internet, people have become scanners. Copy has to be short, to the point and engage the emotion of the reader or you will lose them before they have completed the first paragraph.

Mike Tooley suggests the following methodology: “One should aim for clarity, simplicity and intelligibility. One way is to always consider how a secondary school student, who knows nothing about the topic, would experience the essay/article. Will he/she read the copy without difficulty? And then, having read it, would they be able to present it comprehensively for others to understand? If you can say yes to both these questions, then all is well. If not, you need to rewrite the essay/article in a simpler and more straightforward way. “

Me - I write words and pictures from heart to heart – it is my unconscious conscious intention.


When the mind is freed from its own formulations, its beliefs, and its ideas, there comes a silence beyond time, a silence in which you become conscious of the Reality of your Being. In this freedom is the releasing of the creative energy, with a conscious directive Power that is unknown to the ordinary man. 

Murdo MacDonald-Bayne


"Humility is limiting oneself to an appropriate amount of space whilst leaving space for others." 


“I have been through some terrible things in my life, some actually happened”.

Mark Twain


To tell or not to?

To tell or not to tell, that is the question!

We all know this: “do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”?

My question is this – how many people are really and truly interested in THE TRUTH?

All of us, based on our frame of reference, education and upbringing and the various life experiences, take what we consider being the most logic, and accept that to be the truth.

So what is THE TRUTH?

What say you?

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