Saturday, 30 January 2016


Snippets of wisdom  

In every business process there should be markers which, whether you scan them daily, twice or more times per week, should enable you to judge whether the company is operating within its set production, service and or profitability targets.

There are some decisions that managers can and should “sleep” on – others require immediate and firm action. If you neglect the latter, and more often than not these are those so called petty/minor/seemingly insignificant challenges, it creates more of the same and will create havoc between your markers - eventually creating conditions where managing even the small elements creates a crisis. Constant crisis management then becomes the norm and leaves no time for strategic planning, visualization, and creating new ideas and blueprints.

Managers do – checking - crisis management – policing of staff etc. (among other things).

Leaders know and embrace their strengths as well as their weakness and they employ competent people who can support and help them develop these weaknesses to strengths. Leaders are people orientated – they develop teams.

They are single-minded, stubborn, and even unreasonable at times – they take risks – they fail – but then they regroup and simply start again.

Leaders think first and constantly – they listen – they create pictures – they present these to enlist voluntary buy-in from staff who, is then empowered, trusted and rewarded with the space and freedom to manage the various elements within the big picture.

The result – almost always is – success and dynamic growth within the business. Staff members become intrapreneur’s and part and parcel of that big picture. I call it win-win for short!

I conclude - Never ever, when I am quiet, still, sitting and apparently doing absolutely zero - zilch, think that I am wasting time doing nothing. I am busy with strategic thinking, planning, visualizing, and creating. Perhaps you should try some yourself.

And if you absolutely have to butt in - stop, quiet down - compose yourself and then, and only then - approach …

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Oneness with a dream

His awakening was somewhat of a gentle startle. Minutes later the church bell down in the valley announced that it was 3 “o clock, in the morning that is! The Cape Robin, sitting in the tree in front of his window, was singing briskly. Yes, they do get up early also sometimes. She was, with great enthusiasm expressing her joy unto the new day. It was as if Mother Earth was using all of these sounds to express a blessing unto him. She was advising him through the wisdom of nature that, that which he desired will be manifested in the quietness of his soul.

He decided to just drift along with all of these sensations instead of getting out of bed. It was as if his soul was urging him to just become one with the quietness within the sound of the Cape Robins song. To feel the pulse of nature within his rhythmic and gentle breathing and just soak up the frequencies of the song and the air that was waving through the room. He sensed that by listening and adhering to what his inner voice was asking, he will in some way detoxify and find clarity within his thoughts.

What is it that he desired? He needed to understand the interconnectedness of all and everything. He knew that if he can make this understanding part of his beingness, he will achieve his desire for finding peace and gentleness in all and everything. He knew that this will bring the wisdom of Mother Earth into all of his interactions with the living world. This wisdom, applied to all of his decisions will be beneficial and for the higher good of all. He just needed to move with and into the energy field of the all.

Suddenly it was very quiet. Nature was taking a very long and deep breath. He was not in his bed anymore. He was walking along a river. The bank was luscious with various shades of green. He heard the bubbling crackling voice of the water as it tumbled over many rapids. He sat down and allowed himself to become aware of the environment. The colors, sand and grass under his bum, the texture of the Thorn tree above him. He felt the coolness of the shadow she was lovingly sharing with him. He listened to the whisper of her emotion as she swayed in the wind. He smelled the aroma of her summer blossoms as she showered him like he was her bridegroom.

This truly, was a blessing from nature for sharing and acknowledging oneness and gratitude towards the Great Spirit for His gentle presence in that moment.

His eyes scanned the scene in front of him and he took notice of all there is. He became aware of the quietness and the noise. He listened to the voices within the quietness and quietness within the voices. It was as if he was the thought that he was thinking. Then he noticed a white polystyrene burger holder caught in a pool of quietness: a rock that held the sophistication and aristocracy of an English butler: the tiny green Fern which just melted his heart with admiration and the empty plastic bottle that was just not going anywhere.

The Cape Robin with his flamboyant singing was back. His awareness of the “self” within all of this steered him to a natural breathing meditation with which he stayed for sometime. Is the wisdom that he seeks, within the picture in front of his eyes? Who is he?

The polystyrene holder was sitting on top of a pool of dark water. Although it was absolutely and surprisingly motionless, two streams of water, one either side, rushed past it within half a meter. Life is like that sometimes, he thought! Or was it perhaps Mother Nature that was telling him this? One finds oneself in a very quiet space totally isolated and or oblivious from the world outside. Sometimes this is by choice because we need to allow the soul to recuperate. Sometimes it is just to protect ourselves against the overload of all and everything. Perhaps this scene is a reminder for all of us to become more self-aware of these moments or period’s within our life so as to enable us to extract the full value and appreciation in that moment. This capacity will enhance our closeness to all there is, to Mother Nature and the Great Spirit.

He has often asked himself “what am I doing, why am I here?”  Just be! This is what he was told when he posed the question. What does it mean to “be”? The truth is that often by not “doing” anything, one is in fact “doing” something. By just being there, not saying anything, not ‘‘doing” anything you are providing a structure, support and a framework for other things to be manifested and other people to attain their purpose and their goals. In so doing you are also fulfilling your purpose without realizing it.

You are changing the energy and thus triggering a chain of events that would otherwise just not happen. You excel in your peacefulness and “the knowing”. Is this part of what he was looking for? The knowledge of all that is or is not happening, might just boggles and be too much for the mind to handle if he did know it all.

The rock that he was looking at was like this, he thought. By just being there it was stabilizing the environment. It changed the direction of the flow of the water. Is it really not “doing” anything? Will understanding this concept create wisdom?

The rock increased or decreased the speed at which the water flows. This generated a whole host of spin-offs! The rock improves the purity of the water. It changes and improves the architecture and beauty of the scene. Just this new understanding actually increased the wonder within the experience of looking at this scene.

The water might actually, at some point lift the bottle from its little perch where it was stuck and thus support the latter in achieving its purpose. Isaiah once reminded his people that there was a rock … a place of reprieve from the endless rule-keeping and doing.

Our interconnectedness with the all is absolutely beyond our perception of true beauty and purpose. It is not within our vocabulary to describe such beauty.

His thoughts stayed with this bottle! It was stuck on and between small rocks and branches. It was absolutely rocking and rolling on that one spot ... it was doing the brrrrrr …brow! The singer, Chris Chameleon would most definitely be able to turn a scene like this into a very catchy song. Despite all the movement and energy it was generating, it just wasn’t going anywhere. People are like this also. We are often absolutely buzzing with energy and potential but we are still stuck where we don’t want to be. We are just not able to move forward.

To change this requires outside intervention. Often this is where the Universe creates those wonderful or sometimes not so wonderful cascades of experiences that “deliver” us from ourselves and enable us to grow and prosper. This is what he was looking for, he thought … growth! His goal is to truly understand the interconnectedness of the all and everything.

Then there was this beautiful two to three centimetre long green Fern growing in a small crevasse?

The water was breaking right on top of it. It was being pushed in all directions at the same time and desperately trying to pop back into position after every push.

 It was gulping for air against the constant and violent overflow of water on its leaves. Somehow though this “violent” scene completed his experience of the quietness and peace within the noise he was witnessing. It was part and parcel of the bigger picture which no one but the Great Spirit can see.

Somehow though he felt as if he was offered an exclusive snippet of the bigger picture or perhaps just a better understanding of the feeling he was experiencing within his inner self whilst looking at what he was presented with.

We all know “little Fern people”. Life and work is constantly having them gulping for air, recognition or whatever and they just never receive any. But hey, life without them being right there in that exact spot, would be an absolute drag. You know what, they often know this and they flourish despite. He now realized that he has received a wonderful blessing from this river scene. He will bless and love all the little Ferns, he will be grateful and graceful towards them because they are the gardeners of his heart just as Mother Nature is the gardener of her universe.

He is beginning to understand the moral of all of this. Every one of us has a divine appointment, a place that is irrevocably ours. It is time that we accept this truth? It is time for the one to be grateful for the other. No more anger (anger is fear expressed) … no more “I have to win” (at all costs or perhaps rather at what cost?) … no more exploiting one another. There is enough for all, but selfishness creates “shortages” and hunger! The one can not achieve that which he or she should without the other. We are one!

We should become more patient and accepting of wherever we find ourselves at any particular time. Learn to “go with the flow” as the young ones would say! It is important to realize that wherever we find ourselves will be exactly where we are supposed to be at that time.

Yes, it is often difficult to accept this philosophy considering the challenges the “real” world is throwing at us. The question that we should ask when confronted with situations where we experience discomfort is, what is it that I am to learn from this experience? This will change the negative in that situation in that moment to a positive. This action will again open the door to creativity that will resolve the challenge at hand and establish peace inside our being.

Who is he? If he was a woman, would this voice talking to him be that of a man or a woman? What is his name? It could be Tom, Dick or Harry or Brenda, Jackie or Charmaine. Does it really matter? Are we not all at some point trying to achieve this same goal?

On this morning it really did not matter anymore. He has achieved his goal. Whether it was in a dream or during one of those long walks that he often and enthusiastically undertakes, it does not matter. His dream has become part of his knowingness. His soul has achieved what it instructed. This is turning out to be a wonderful experience, he thought - realizing that one is dreaming and then just consciously allowing one self to continue with the dream. This is like having sunshine, boerewors and Chevrolet!

He did not want to leave this space, this place. He opened his eyes and scanned the scene. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. His heart was expressing what his vocabulary could not. He was filled with unconditional love and gratitude for being nurtured towards achieving his goal.

The Cape Robin was back. Has he been following me or is this one from a different time? He still smelled the air as it drifted through his space. He heard the murmur of the water as it tumbled over the rapids. He bowed slightly so as to thank Mother Nature for sharing her wisdom, for helping him achieve his goal and achieving it whilst still in bed or was he?  He got up and ouch … stepped onto a thorn … but there was no thorn to pull out from his foot and neither was there a carpet under his feet.

Where was he? He went on a journey to achieve and fulfil his dream and he did … he has become his dream … he has become one with the all there is … and that is all there is!

Peace be with you.

© Matthys Ferreira

Monday, 18 January 2016

Tin Toy


Intriguing … misleading … challenging
viewer perception
story telling at best
if you were there that is –
a boy having fun
making music
with stones and tin
no sir
I do not want your money
dance with me and my
tin toy
feel the vibes as I shake rattle and roll
stamp your feet to my rhythm
sniff the dust of my home market
and home-home
where I sleep next a bag of chips
with my only suit
my dance suit
and my tin toy

© Matthys Ferreira

Road safety - a collective decay of responsibility.

Road safety - A collective decay of responsibility

More, and more and still more of the same - safety campaigns and the rest! Does it reduce the road deaths during the holidays? It does not.

One thousand seven hundred and fifty-five deaths and counting and this is not the final figure and, more importantly - can we trust these numbers? We can't.

People will continue to drink and drive - not wear seat belts, speed and talk on their cell phones no matter what. The moral fibre of society is not what it used to be and we are probably all to blame - we have neglected our collective responsibility. We have forgotten the powerful and intrinsic value of the do-as-I-do example.

We have lost our connection with nature - mother earth - the universe. It teaches morality and integrity. But you would not know this - you have not observed the birds and the bees in a very long time. Cell phones, Facebook and the vroom-vroom of business has become the connection with self. Even when you are not physically engaged on these platforms, your thoughts and attention dwells with them and your next ego trip.

The lawlessness will only be eliminated when integrity-based law enforcement becomes merciless, non-discriminating, colourblind and consistent. This will hopefully force perpetrators to experience moments of quiet reflection and then abandon their abusive habits and attitudes.

The sad thing though is, that although improving the situation is absolutely possible, many will still die before it is achieved if ever.

Are you ready to die violently?

All vehicle accidents are violent - even the bumper bashes - it eats into your deepest sub- and super-conscious levels where fear should not live - but it does!

What are you going to do about it? Will you become the example of morality? It is time...

Be present when you drive - or die...

First published in Autodealer Lowveld 

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Yoga, not unlike meditation, offer many benefits.

U can turn it around.

It is about muscle and power.

Aerial action

Many answers

Many answers – yes.

Stupid question – no, there is no such thing as a stupid question.

Questions may be confrontational, thought-provoking, shocking, eye-opening, boring, irrelevant at a particular time and point, but never stupid.

The person posing the question was serious and adamant about the value of the question.

Simple questions can be as serious as serious questions can be simple.

When one analyses the question’s various latent elements, it actually raises more questions e.g.
Do you believe in God – yes, no, maybe
Do you believe in a god – yes, no, maybe
Is this God/god the same one the Bible talks about?
Do you believe in God but not in religion?
Can the one be without the other?
What does the Bible say about the dead / souls / reincarnation
What does religion say about the dead / the Bible / souls / reincarnation
What does the world say about the aforementioned?
Religion claims the Bible as its foundation but with so many different religions/believe systems/interpretations – how does one determine the truth?
Should one not prescribe to any of the above, in whole or in part, how does one explain the wonderment of creation, nature and the synchronicity within the amazing human body to name but  a few?
If one considers all of the above, or part thereof, irrelevant – what is your relevance, purpose and significance, as a human being, within this bigger picture that we call life?
I for one cannot subscribe to the thought that my beingness, presence, and contribution be considered irrelevant at all.
This sharing of possible scenario answers to a particular question may be considered irrelevant and interesting only for this moment or the sake of philosophical debate or interaction and that is it. It may, or not, have no relevance to what happens next.
It may just serve as an illustration of the complexity within the simplicity of a seemingly simple question – but then, the final choice always rests with the interpreter who also solely bears the responsibility of his/her decision.    
And now I have a deadline to respond to.

Lomac flying action.

The concept of time.

The concept of time

The concept of time is neither here nor there. It is simply another one of many subjects which lend itself to philosophical and intellectual discussion and debate. And although the latter may
generate some wisdom and positive physical mind activity the question of whether it will, in fact, create any real life – real value changes in one’s life will obviously generate another debate.

The term “to be” does in itself not, in my mind anyway, dictate a sit-on-your-bum-and-do-nothing attitude. On the contrary, it actually instructs quite the opposite. It suggests that we apply ourselves –
investigate, question and contemplate and then determine our principals and preferences in terms of all the elements that make up life as we “understand” it. It has nothing to do with religion.

However, when one contemplates the absolute stunning uniqueness of the universe and how everything in nature synchronize, one has to accept and acknowledge that there must be an intelligence of supreme ability out there that has been instrumental in this creation which we call life.

Now once one has determined and set your preferences as a result of all the questions, debate and so forth, (this can include goals etc), you will go about doing whatever you can, in a manner that will not violate the laws of nature and God (that intelligence) to achieve these preferences.

You will not allow these preferences – especially those which prove unattainable (and there will be some) to become baggage that will drag you down. You will simply accept these, regroup, re-prioritize and proceed with faith in what you believe but cannot see in your current reality – not yet anyway! Don’t argue, quarrel, or fight!

So – is faith and religion the same thing? Yes and no! Being fanatical about your body and how it looks etc. can become a religion (something of overwhelming importance) also!

Does faith dictate that you belong to a religious group – I believe not!

© Matthys Ferreira

Unlimited ...

I have a question? Do you know, from a universal perspective, what “unlimited’ means?

I will answer this question and neither will I elaborate – not as yet.

It means you decide – everything! Yeah, I know that some would question this and it is completely okay because it is not my purpose or intent to convince you of anything other than to create an awareness of the trillion and one options that we have from which we can decide everything. Life is an experiment …. ?

It would be sincerely interesting to hear your observations. The purpose thereof again is not to engage in debate but rather to stimulate introspection and inner silence. One question that will create a focus for this inner investigation is this. What is right and what is wrong? How does one define this concept so as to offer equilibrium in the minds of all in order to establish a universal truth that will be accepted and applied by all as the true answer to this age old question?

Once one has established the answer, will everyone apply it in the same manner? Let me share one perspective.

There is no right or wrong – nothing is intrinsically right or wrong – it just is!

There are just many options from which I – you - can choose in order to create the result that we think would be appropriate under the circumstance and at a particular moment. Sometimes the result of this choice is not what we were hoping for and this might be contributed to the fact that we may not have had a really clear idea or picture in our minds of what we wanted.

You see, it is really important to have absolute clarity. It is also really important to accept the result of your initial choice as being the correct one – even if only for the sake that it showed you what it is that you did not want, although you thought that is what you wanted!

Thus, once you have now realized what you did not want, you can fine tune your desire to be more appropriate and specific to your requirements and then choose your next option.

Was the first one incorrect? No – not if you learned from it! So now – would you, at least, consider the possibility that life may be an experiment of choices in order to know and become more of what and who we really are?

Good – embrace every single choice with gratitude because it was the “right” choice to make!

Be good.

Don't do as I do ...

The other day, I read with “at a glance interest” how we should teach/control our kid’s use of alcohol etc.

People constantly yap about this whilst they continue to consume vast amounts of alcohol, smoke and behave promiscuously.

Kids follow the example that we, as adults offer them – full stop!

We have lost our awareness and our ability to manage our own fears and discomfort and we use it as an excuse to misbehave and then we claim our adult right to call it fun and whatever else. Bull! Get real and grow up!

Do you have the guts to share with your customers those reservations you have about your own products?

No! Well, are you then not offering fraudulent service and advice driven by greed and desperation?

Do you not think that by being honest, you might actually gain much more credibility?

The choice always is, with the customer! One or even more reservations about a product do not make it a bad product! Think about this!

We become so attached to things and people that we loose our ability to listen to ourselves, be ourselves!

What other people say and do on our periphery disturbs us to the point that we become totally depressed, despondent and programmed.

When someone insults you, swear at you and what not – focus yourself to a point where you are just listening to him or her – do nothing - say nothing – just listen!

Then someone praises you – just listen – insult-praise, honor-dishonor – just listen.

Your periphery will get disturbed. Be aware of this also – look at it but remain deep within your center, looking from within. Then you will develop detachment which is spontaneous and natural.

Once you have this feeling of detachment, nothing will ever again disturb you.

There is no need for others to tell you who you are or not – you will know!

The external can never hurt you – people can never hurt you – (tough to believe though) you become aware of the perfectness of all and everything and your ability to learn the lessons within the all that is or not, is enhanced ten fold.

Then suddenly, you will experience the inner peace that is beyond understanding and gratitude will become the voice of your soul – faith in what is and what is not, will allow you to embrace every moment in the now, with quiet vibrancy, love and compassion and your light will be visible to the seeing and, when they are ready, also   to the non-seeing.

Be kind to yourself

Travel Light

Wondrous walking … wondrous flying … wondrous drifting
has crossed your path with mine
stopped me to watch and think -
feel your story
I am listening to the whisper of your soul
feel the texture of your dress
hesitant to touch
not to disturb the peace of your landing -
your heartbeat at rest
show me your meaning
through the delicacy
in color
the urge to move away on the wind
to escape my hold of attention
touch my hand through the space in between
feel the warm
for momentary encounter
bliss in motion
on a breeze of life-giving breath
which sustains us both?
now and evermore
 light our journeys
be wondrous … travel light

© Matthys Ferreira
All rights reserved

Rebounding - an infinite health option.


Rebounding (bouncing on a quality mini-trampoline), although simple in methodology, has been dubbed the miracle exercise of the 21st century! The benefits have been scientifically proven and NASA uses it to acclimatize their astronauts to weightlessness.

Before the art of rebounding is introduced, it is important that you understand how the body works - in particular, the lymphatic system. Its primary function is to rid the body of toxins such as blood protein. The lymph is to be found in a myriad of vessels just beneath the skin with the nodes which act as filters and the ducts, situated in the chest near the base of one's throat. (Figure 1). This is where the blood protein, once filtered, gets released back into the bloodstream. The lymphatic system, unlike with blood circulation which is driven by the heart, does not have a pump. It is activated through exercise, light fast stroking of the skin or in an affected area that suffers from discomfort or by deep breathing.

Every cell, of which there are about 70 trillion in the body, generates energy (electricity). These cells are in a constant process of self-regeneration. Therefore, if one treats your body with care - the potential for longevity is mind boggling!

To live in a "dry state" (healthy) one needs water, oxygen and air (breathing) (Figure 2). While there are lots to say about the air we breathe, I will not dwell on that at this time. Dr. Guyton suggests in a medical textbook that "all chronic pain and suffering and dis-ease are the result of a lack of oxygen at cellular level". The dry state is when there is just enough fluid to fill the crevasse between the cells. An active lymphatic system removes access protein and other matter from these crevasses. Should this not happen, the space between cells becomes a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria. Toxins are produced when we do not eat healthy and stress a lot.

Every thought that we think produces a physical response in the body. When actions related to these thoughts are not concluded, it produces toxins (trapped blood protein, lactic acid and some) in the body and this, if not properly removed via the lymphatic system, will develop a "wet state" in your body and thus, the cells will not be able to produce energy (electricity) and one will experience dis-ease!

And then we are not even talking about the effects of smoking, alcohol and drug abuse on the body? One of the best ways to reduce your risks and boost your lymph circulation, detoxify your body and strengthen your immune system is the rebound exercise. No other activity offers an as effective lymph drainage and with such ease - no strain on the ankles, knees or lower back - and it is pure enjoyment. I have been rebounding for the last four years - at least four times a week and for 40 minutes at a time - absolutely brilliant!

Rebounding - the methodology

When you bounce on a quality mini trampoline with both feet on the mat - yes, your feet does not even have to lift off the mat - the bounce generates G-force against the earth's magnetic field and depending on the height of the bounce (you can bounce a little higher - 15 to 20cm), this can generate as much as 3-g's. You generate three different forces - acceleration, deceleration and, at the top of the bounce - weightlessness! At the bottom of the bounce, your weight doubles. The effect of this is that every single cell in your body is getting squeezed from imagine - being a round shape to oval and back again! A simple bounce is all that is required to restore your health and lose weight. When one begin doing aerobic exercise whilst bouncing at say - the ideal would be, 120 bounces per minute - but you will start slower - the effect on your body can triplicate!

Two minutes of rebounding is equivalent to six minutes of running, 10 minutes Wonderful thought is it not - no traffic or parking challenges and no expensive gym fees!
of swimming and 20 minutes of walking. Thus, a 20-minute bounce will be equal to more than an hour's health and fitness work out in a gym. Best of all, you can do all of this in the privacy of your home or better even, on the veranda.

Where does one start?

1. You buy a quality Rebounder - one that will offer a gentle bounce at the bottom end and one that will offer you a support bar - excellent for the seniors among you.
2. You start slowly and with a gentle bounce. Two to three minutes twice a day is all that is required. Breathe slow (rhythmic) and deep whilst bouncing. This will increase the effectiveness of your bounce even at this initial stage of your rebounding program. You will build these two to three minutes up over time to become 40 minutes - the ideal!
3. Just simply stopping the bounce after the three minutes will reverse the benefit you have gained. You need to slow right down to a stop over the last 30 seconds of your rebound time, before stepping off the Rebounder. This will also prevent dizziness. Remember that rebounding also balances your left and right brain and your body needs time to become accustomed to the G-force exposure and the extra oxygen that your deep breathing will generate.
4. Drink water after your session. This will help to flush out the toxins from your system.
5. You will generate tremendous bio-electricity on both a physical as well as a metaphysical level during your rebounding. This can be directed mentally to those areas of the body where it is required.
6. Once you have become accustomed to rebounding you can engage in a more vigorous aerobic set which will also tone muscle. Listen to music whilst rebounding will also enhance the mind’s capacity to explore higher consciousness whilst the body goes into an "automatic bounce".
7. The G-force that rebounding generates boost Lymphatic movement with as mush as 30 times and this increase in lymph movement triples the white blood cell count.


For the purpose of this feature, the benefits of rebounding are just too many to list all (some 40 plus). Allow me to share just some:

1. Retards ageing
2. Builds up the immune system
3. Eliminate cellulite
4. Strengthen the whole body
5. Stimulate cognitive and brain function
6. Improves vision by stimulating the eyes
7. Boost energy levels and minimize recurrence of colds and so forth
8. Oxygenates all tissues
9. Encourage natural weight loss
10. Stabilize the nervous system and so we can continue!

Side effects

Common (harmless side effects)
1. Aching calves
2. Sea legs
3. The need to urinate while rebounding
4. Mild dizziness - body is just not used to the G-Forces and extra oxygen
5. Imbalance and mild headaches (not common) - if you have a very toxic system, the detoxifying effect in your body because of the rebounding, may occur - good hydration will resolve this. If not, seek medical advice as these headaches will relate to an unrelated prior condition.


If you are concerned about your health, you cannot afford not to pay attention to this information. Do your own research and at least, make the effort to try rebounding.

Corporates are becoming more aware of the effects of stress on their employees and many are opting for having a Rebounder available at the office.

Instead of smoke breaks - take three or four 2 to 3-minute Rebounder breaks - it will change your life and your health.

"Don't just exercise lymphasize!"

Health Tips

* Optimum water intake per day: 30ml per kg of body weight
* Start your day with two glasses of water in the morning
* Do not drink water or fluids with any meal
* Drink water 20 minutes before and 2 hours after a meal
* Eat fresh and raw
* Drop all sugars and coffee
* Do a colon cleanse at least once a year
* Do a kidney and liver cleanse twice a year

Visit to order your rebounder.

Food for thought.

The function of the law is not to provide justice or to preserve freedom. The function of the law is to keep those who hold power, in power.

Gerry Spence – From Freedom to Slavery, 1993

When only lawyers can understand the law, then only lawyers should be required to obey the law.

Chuck Conces

Under current law, it is a crime for a private citizen to lie to a government official, but not for the government official to lie to the people.

Donald M. Fraser

The minute you read something you can’t understand, you can almost be sure it was drawn up by a

Will Rogers

Minding one’s business is the only moral law. 

Frederic Bastiat - The Law



They are all so wonderfully awesome – 
miracles on two
some in hindsight – yeah!

reason people –

season people –

lifetime people –

divine beings of note
all appear on your request
but still you question the power of thought 
thought creates matter – 
did you not know that ?

You look up and eyes meet
a smile with purity and momentarily gentleness
skyrocket across the emptiness
as if being summoned by the Great One
body talk is warm and fuzzy
then the moment is gone
forever –
memories understood or not
is eternal 
you wonder
the reason
for this tidbit experience –

be grateful for this miracle!

You requested help to resolve the loneliness
a challenge that seems beyond perception
stepping in the right direction at the Y
the lights are changing fast 
it seems like mono colour -
it is time for a new season
stop -
smell the miracle on two
cheerful and breezee
single-minded and self aware
kitted with the solvent for mono lights
stroking the outline skeleton
in soft gentle 
pastels of beingness
time stands at rest it seems 
weeks and months are like minute moments
filled with grace and joy
the Y is no more 
perception now is a clear moment of brilliant excellence
mirror of new life
perhaps even severe hurt
the miracle becomes smoke and drifts away

be grateful for the miracle!

The I is perfect in its uniqueness
though this seems empty 
like rusted forgotten junk
a sculptured pink lemon
ego forever searching for peace in space of mind
but forever finding no shoulder
to nestle against
leaving the heart like black Parker ink without the black
picture all of this in your mind
will drive you up the wall -
smell the miracle on two
a lifetime in the making 
but on your request
the lemon is yellow
the ink is rich black 
moments of excellence
and childish surprise
suddenly becomes a lifetime of exuberance 
one gentle touch of endless 
timeless bliss

be grateful for the lifetime miracle!

Do you understand the miracles now?
bless them 
embrace each one in every moment 
never stop
share your miracle with all …
with yourself!

© Matthys Ferreira


Although we may not know one another from a bar of soap, what I would like to share with you is short, very simple and always the same.

But then, once you have listened to what is to follow, you may actually decide that we do know one another.

I am about to share with you, is what I believe to be one of the most fundamental truths of this universe – no, actually, I am about to remind you of something which you have (we all have), at some point, knowingly or not, for whatever reason, decided to forget/ignore.

This has robbed one from an inner peace that is beyond words and has disconnected you from God and from your true self. 

The Bible teaches that we have been created in the image and likeness of God.

I am of the opinion that image needs to be understood as “thought” and likeness as a “like quality”.

Thus every one of us is a holy and divine being and unless one accept and embrace this truth with ones whole beingness, nothing in your life will change.

One will always be driven by the external illusion of what society – the Jones’s and so forth - dictates and prescribe.

The external is an illusion like no other you have ever experienced and, here’s another thought – you create your external reality through your own thought process. So it is imperative that you create the external from an internal environment which synchronise with the above truth which confirms your holiness and divinity.

It does not matter what others say/think about you – not even your own impression of who you are, is of any importance if it does not synchronize with the truth that you are a holy and divine being – because you are - full stop!!

No single one person is more important in Gods plan, than any other – TRUTH – if you think you are – get over yourself – if you think your opinion/knowledge/wisdom/money to be more important than that of one someone/everyone else – get over yourself and get a life.

We are all small pieces of the puzzle which I call the universe. God is the universe – all there is, is love. All there is is God. God is love, so all there is love – is God.

Everything is/has an element, a manifestation of God – believe it – everything is holy and divine and part of the puzzle.

Nothing will happen and no one will get where they are supposed to go/be without the direct/indirect support of any of the others.

Thus when one embraces ones divinity – you will begin to respect and treat yourself and your body (the temple of God) differently.

When you embrace your divinity you will, whenever you speak to someone else – speak with the voice of God. When you look into their eyes – you will be looking into the eyes of God.

You will touch people like God will touch them – with unconditional non-judgemental love and compassion every time and all the time and therefore illustrate God and Godliness.

Now – are you still of the opinion that we do not know one another?

Have you embraced your divinity – if not now – when?  

Can you afford to waste another moment?

Can anyone afford not to accept their divinity and live by the truth?

God has granted us all His Grace through Jesus. You do not need to embrace anything else but this truth!

Those of us who chose and have chosen, to embrace our divinity have no need to be ruled by anybody – we have no need for religion (*I will explain this statement) – belonging to various societies or organizations as we are connected to a God conscious intelligence.

There is no need anymore to fill our minds with senseless quantities of artificial knowledge or useless and constant small talk – we are connected to the universal consciousness – God - we live by prayer and awareness – every moment in our life/day is a prayer of gratitude and love - and this is omni-important!

We also accept that, in human terms and judged by the external world, we may fail at certain things but in the eyes of God we have been created perfect for our purpose in life.

God created nothing but perfection – even that which we consider bad, difficult, challenging and the rest – is perfectly part and parcel of God’s perfect creation.

Every soul is perfect, pure and beautiful.

In the state of forgetfulness in which we reside here on Earth, God's perfect beings may do imperfect things - or what we would call imperfect things - yet everything that occurs in life occurs for a perfect reason.

There is no such thing as a "mistake" in God's world, and nothing happens by chance. Nor does any person come to you without a gift for you in his hands.

I accept that wherever I find myself in any particular moment, it to be exactly where I should be within your divine plan.

Walk in beauty.    

We are what we say – THINK

We are what we say – THINK!

Although I am not oblivious to the physical beauty of all and everything around me, I almost always and in the first place address or recognize the inner beauty of people when I refer to someone as being beautiful.

This is not always a natural reaction but a conscious “will” decision to find the beauty even though it might not be physical in nature. When I recognize this, I more often than not will also offer this observation as a compliment.

It just so happens that many people are either not aware of their own inner beauty or they just absolutely refuse to acknowledge it. The results of the latter will manifest itself through all sorts of “dis-ease” on both the mental and the physical level.  

Now not so long ago I shared a brief observation with a beautiful friend. Despite the briefness, and even before I completed this observation my inner voice shouted for my attention stating the following: “do not be judgmental, be grateful for that which you have.” I did complete what I was saying though but this really bugged me.

Although on a conscious level, no ill intent was meant, something negative in the subconscious mind must have motivated my response. It required some critical thinking and meditation to establish the latter, but I did. I decided to offer an apology to the relevant parties: not because I had to or someone suggested that I do, but because I wanted to. Why? Well, simply because by saying that which I did and in hindsight, I realized that I did something that is not part of who I want or choose to be.

I choose not to be judgmental, critical, fearful, jealous of others or things. The mind and the consciousness needs to be made aware of this “will” so as to when any of these emotions pop up, it will produce a reminder of this “will” decision and change it right there in that moment.

The idea is to reach and develop awareness where one is consciously unconsciously aware of your thoughts, feelings and so forth in order to live unconsciously conscious. Then one becomes aware of what one is saying whilst thinking and saying it. You become aware of your feelings whilst thinking about what it is that you are thinking/saying and or feeling.

One become aware of what feelings and emotions will result from publicizing that which you are experiencing in that moment ...  thinking, feeling and expressing. Your sensitivity towards and about yourself, establish within you an awareness or a consciousness of your connectedness to all and everything. This envelop you with the miracle of life … unconditional love and gratitude!

Your vision of the most beautiful flower, the most romantic sunset, the most beautiful physicality that you have ever seen, will pale in comparison with the experience of this love. This is the kind of love that cannot be expressed in words … it is expressed in tears. It is the only way the heart can express it. This is what I would like to believe to be, God consciousness or God conscious love!

The apologies were accepted and one return comment was that it wasn’t necessary. It was however important that I “show” who I am (share my humanness), what I am thinking and not try to hide from it. This was a wonderful, loving and thought-provoking statement and one that “ordered” contemplation!

Every moment in life is a gift of grace. It is an opportunity, not necessarily to discover who we are or be reminded by someone else of who we are, it is an opportunity to create that which or who we choose to be. That is why being in the/this moment is so important because it offers us the option to change our thoughts or actions right there in that moment!

Negative become positive, anger becomes love, fear becomes love, and want becomes gratitude even for that which one does not have. Everything becomes love and you will enjoy the miracle of that moment. Peace will smile upon your face and she will nestle in your beingness.

As I write these words I also share with you the tears: “the heart’s way of trying expressing herself in this moment”.

Perhaps then this would be an appropriate moment to leave you with the warmness, peace and beautiful love that you experience in this moment.

Peace be with you

© Matthys Ferreira

Kobus - the new restoration aficionado.

The Potter

Should you be an artist, or not, you will relate to the following?

Once you have put clay onto a potter’s wheel to fashion an exquisite piece of art, you have absolute and complete control over what happens with the clay. Should you not be happy with your effort, you can simply smash it into a lump of clay again and start all over. However, should somebody other than you, the artist, smash the artwork, you will be very, very annoyed with the destroyer, wouldn’t you? Why? Well, the destroyer did not create the art/object in the first place and therefore have no right to destroy it either! The only person with that right is the artist!

People often speak about how someone is clay in the hands of another or how we are clay in the hands of God the Great Spirit. We present and allow ourselves, or not, to be sculpted and moulded in order to achieve our purpose and be the light unto this world as we should be.

How often though do our actions and thoughts destroy our lives, health and that of others? The first reaction to this often, is to blame someone else and even God. Do you think this is fair? What are we to understand by a “destroyed” life?

Do you think that the beggar is living a “destroyed” life? Not necessarily! Somebody who possess all there is and more, might actually be in the process of destroying his/her life and the lives of many others! It is all a perception?  For many though, perception is reality! Can we change that reality?

In this world as we know it, perhaps yes, but not in the eyes of God! All there is, is all there is and we should not assume to know all the why’s and the how’s because we do not see the whole picture. We did not create the universe! That which we did create … all the chaos, hunger, and wars and so forth … this is our reality and it scares the heck out of us and we often blame God and almost always somebody else for this. How can God allow this to happen, we ask?

He did not create it! He is most certainly observing it and taking serious cognizance and He will and does share His views and instructions with us. He offers us the solutions, the tools and the knowledge to repair our handiwork. The choice however is always ours though!

One might not be happy with your perception of how you have been created whether on a physical or mental level, but in the world of God we have all been created perfect for our purpose in this life. As such, we have no right to “destroy” ourselves although He, as our Creator certainly can.

Question is, would He do that? No, I do not believe that He would. We should fear ourselves, our inability, based on our egotistical behaviour, for this is why we make choices which are not ideal for what/who we are. God will however, should we not heed to the nudges, do what is required to point us in the right direction and He will continue to do so until we get the message and often these nudges, if our stubbornness persist, can become pretty uncomfortable.

The clay cannot argue with the artist. Neither can we argue with God…. observe and let go… let God!

Sometimes these nudges can be very harsh and seemingly unfair but we have to remember that God may re-arrange our life as He sees fit. Remember we have been created in His image and likeness. When we realize that all of the nudging and the bruising which result, is part of a perfect plan and then stop to resist and accept His love, we become free of all the anxiety and fear that creates dis-ease in our lives.

Interesting thing is that when this happens, when we let go/accept, we become happy people and we grow in knowledge and wisdom. Now you may ask … but what about what I want to do or achieve? Well, what about it? Awesome question though! Nothing prevent you from achieving whatever it is that you want to achieve! As long as it is part of the perfect plan and does not violate God’s laws and you do not become fanatically attached to your will.

We don’t know the plan though, so we have to accept that the Power that be, will nudge us if and when required and that we have to accept this with grace, gratitude and faith.
The moral of all of this is that we have to reach a point in our spiritual development where our will for ourselves, become the same as that of God’s will for us because this is when we begin to live our purpose. On our journey to this point, we will be nudged … we will be bruised … we will heal and we will get to where we are supposed to go. And then when we look back, we will say … what a journey … I have been truly blessed!

Those of you, who have watched a potter or a sculpting artist work with clay, will remember that the work is mostly done with a very gentle hand. Very reassuring is it not? Is it not wonderful to know that every thought, feeling, action, experience and word is part of that/who is molding us to become even more masterful, within the power of God, in our own right?

I thank you for reading these thoughts. It is a blessing for which I am truly grateful!

Peace be with you!

© Matthys Ferreira