The alertness in your stare
is hypnotic
focus my attention on proud
strong and ready to pounce
shoulder lines
you melt in with the surround
your beautiful yellow coat
urges me to the want to touch
it is as if despite the focus
there is a gentle invite to closeness
as if your energy is one
with me
we touch with our hearts
and smile with joy and grace
a moment in time
connected in space
and forever changed
enriched with awe and indescribable
gratitude for beauty
offered us by the great gentle Spirit
presence in the all …
here and now …
blessings I offer you and all …
Charcoal Red
It could be yellow
it could be green –
it could even be red
it could, in fact, be all three
or none –
a combination of focus
one moment in time
that freezes all other movements
to a quiet still
the lines draw the focus
to the red
stills the looker
with awaiting breath
suspended …
it goes green
and vroom-vroom
the moment disappear
in sound and movement
till the next red …
or perhaps
Cast in Stone
Art or fact
many years are buried within your detail
your exquisiteness attracts many heads
eyes bulging through glasses
that enhances your depth
your form and composition
stimulates ooh’s and aah’s
and apprehensive touch
like that of a firstborn
you are being pampered
wrapped in silk
fussed about
with a loud exciting voice
and academic lingo
boring to most
valued by only the elect
oh tell me your secret
your creation and death
was it painful?
drawn out over many years
many elements
tell … tell … tell
whisper softly softly
I will not tell
sy oë is skrefies getrek
pupille is strak teen die skerp son
wat deur die gat in sy hoed skyn
sy gesig is ‘n skrille kontras
van oud en oud
hy staar na my sonder om die jonk te sien
sy gedagtes dweep met drome
emosies en donkerte
‘n rafel van die gebleikte asblik hoed
krul oor sy oor
dié prikkeling gaan egter verby
sy baard is welig vuil gerimpel
dit beur soos lusern -
wat is die mens -
sy skoene glimlag verwronge
vir die verbygaande humor
die knope van sy bruin wit hemp
is reeds met pensioen
skielik is daar lewe in die blou oë
mondhoeke vertrek in ‘n glimlag
daar’s vreugde en diep geluk
sy gesig verkleur karakter
fyn plooitjies verskyn op die vuil voorkop
die hoed word afgepluk
verweerde hande word saamgevoeg
in ‘n eie handdruk van emosie
hy staan op en sit weer
skud die vuil skoon donsies van sy klere
‘n eenderse maat het aangesluit
die mondholte gevul met ‘n tong
die hand met ‘n houer
gevul met lewensgeluk
meditasie antibiotika
vir ‘n mens wat lank reeds
sy mens-sin verloor het
in ‘n vuil agterstraat
waar die kartonne koningslaap verseker
waar koue en hitte dieselfde is
en rumatiek gewrigte -
en tog ………..
vreugde in die oë opreg
eenvoud skitter soos ‘n nuwe gebit
dit laat wonder hierdie jonk
wie se innermens gelukkig is
die oue of die jonge!
vind harmonie in die twee wêrelde
oseane van mekaar en tog
‘n oogknip naby
vir die Skepper van baie
Wie is die mens
Wie is die Skepper
ken mekaar deur mekaar
vind harmonie deur eenvoud
dankie straatwandelaar vir die nuwe insig
in ‘n wêreld waarin ek en jy
onafskeidbaar, een is ……………
I met the homeless man who inspired this piece, many years ago in Pretoria. It was on Church Plain where a charity was handing out clothing and other items. I sat across from where he was kneeling to inspect some clothing ... using hand signs to get his permission to photograph him. He agreed and I actually presented him with a black and white print some days later. Unfortunately, I don't seem able to find a copy in my files at this time but hopefully, if you read this, you will be able to picture him. He had to pierce ice-blue eyes and a calm quiet demeanor despite his many hardships. It is as if he is sitting right in front of me when I recall our meeting each other.
The Essenes in their Gospel of Peace, state that there are 3 paths that lead to the Truth. The first is that of consciousness, the second is nature and the third is the accumulated experience of past generations.
The consciousness is part of us, it is within us, and it is something that cannot be found “out there”. It rests in the dynamic where one is at the same time also many. Consciousness cannot be measured in time or space. It is timeless and eternal. It is our closest source of energy, harmony, and knowledge. It starts within and penetrates outward.
The second path is that of nature. This is the external world and basically the path of science. It puts everything and all under a microscope and is not prepared to accept any explanation for anything outside of this scientific and logic realm. The Essenes suggest that we take our lessons from nature because she is alive and knows all the truths.
The third path is through wisdom, knowledge, and experience. Our own path and that which has been given to us, by the great masters through teaching and literature!
There is but one power in the universe – God, The Great Spirit, or whatever name you prefer to attribute to this Power.
The universe is God and God is the universe. God is represented in everything that you can see, touch, smell, experience, and much more!
Fuller further suggests that we should stop to envision God as a noun. As a noun, we consider Him to be the creator, architect, and so forth and therefore separated from His creation. Once we view God as a verb, our perception changes to one where everything and all, manifested or not, is God.
The Course in Miracles also supports this philosophy in that when God is in your mind, everything and all within and surrounding you, changes. When you speak with someone, you speak with the voice of God and their voice becomes the voice of God speaking to you! Try this and discover Him in all and everything you see. You will then experience the miracle within.
We have been created in the “image and likeness” of God. Therefore, one can say – Although I am not God, God is the absolute essence of my being! I have a divine appointment on this earth!
Do you think that one can say that “I am God … I am a god?”
• “Image” is to be understood as thought
• “likeness” is to be understood as like quality
Man is not his body! Man is a spirit! Spirit is infinite, it lives eternally! We are all one although we are not all alike!
God gave us free will!
Truth never changes. It is not subject to race, culture, or time in the history of the universe.
The truth is a living reality – it is as solid as a rock.
“Your worth is beyond perception because it is beyond doubt.” You are a divine being. Eat this, sleep this, think this, accept this, share it, and enjoy the miracle within you!
Do I need to repeat this or are you willing to, for once, make this your own? When? Now?
1 + 1 = 2. One what plus one what makes two what?
He is here at this moment but will be leaving again in 10 minutes!
As circumstances change, so do the facts about those circumstances and everything entailed within those circumstances change.
Facts need the truth to give them meaning and reality.
Lies are:
• Illusionary
• Misleading
• Deceitful
• Forever changing
• Creates fear
• Disrespectful to the divine nature of man
“I am stupid” is a lie! It is a statement of impatience!
How and where does one find the truth?
I am so glad you asked this question!
• Read good books about science, philosophy (Western and Eastern), ancient wisdom, religion, spirituality and so forth
• Work – it uses the energy in such a way that it does not “turn” on the body through temptation etc
• Prayer – prayer nourishes the soul and brings it in contact with the Divine Source.
• Study – harnesses the energy of the restless mind into focus. To study is to render a service to oneself.
• Meditation – develops an “educated” super-conscious mind (SCM).
• Surround yourself with people who “build”, not people who “destruct”.
It is said that no-one can, by oneself, find the truth! It requires reading, contemplation, practice! One needs to tap into the collective consciousness by asking for help and support and often also requires the help of a spiritual counselor or mentor.
Scientists, psychologists and alike would like to offer us umpteen reasons for why we do anything. If we analyze these, there are in my opinion only two reasons. LOVE or FEAR.
The word "indifference" has been in my thoughts for some time now and one can relate this to so many aspects of life. The petrol price is rising still - interest rates are under pressure - food inflation is rising - car sales are down and so we can continue making a list.
How does one cope with all of this? Sell your car and buy a bike - yeah, that is a practical solution! I am, however, talking about coping on an emotional and spiritual level!
One can become indifferent to all this and more - it does not mean that you don’t care or give a hoot! It simply means that you accept what is for what it is - you accept people and things for what they are - you love them all and accept that we are all a blessing to one another.
One accepts and acknowledges that you, as an individual are okay - surrounded by people and or things, or not - you are okay! There is nowhere to go, nothing to do or prove - no one to convince of who you are or not!
Yeah, the external world may not agree with this - so be it! Let’s just stop stressing about all and everything and accept that the universe has its own plan and rhythm according to which all things happen and made manifest. All we need to do is to truly "go with the flow"!
Who are we/you?
This question can be answered and discussed from many different perspectives. It can be as difficult or as complicated as you want it to be. Allow me to share my understanding.
We have been created in the image and likeness of God. Everything created by God is holy and divine and it is so important to always “come” back to this truth when you find yourself and “uncomfortable” space. This knowledge and complete acceptance and despite whatever your perception of yourself is in this reality creates inner peace beyond understanding.
Now using the term “noble” might not be the correct word to use as it would indicate a judgmental attitude. Looking at this from a God-conscious point of view would make the use of such a term redundant. Why? Well, simply because the Great Spirit does not make such distinctions about anything or anybody. All there is is just all there is! Special relationships should not be. All relationships should be equally special.
Now, yes I hear you! Our reality had us all ‘construct/create” special relationships because we thought that we need to do this in order to become our ‘true” selves because this will “complete” us as a being. How many of you have realized by now that this is not necessarily true? We all realize, I would like to believe, that we are one. By qualifying any particular relationship as being more special than another, we are in fact separating ourselves, not only from the “object/focus” of that relationship but also from the Great Spirit.
The only relationship that we should create and focus on is one with God and in so doing; we also establish a relationship, not just with everybody else but also with ourselves. Remember, we are all one! I am you and you are me! We are all a manifestation of God! Wonderfully thought-provoking, is it not? Do we in fact have to create a new relationship with God? Have we not, all along had a relationship with God but we chose to forget and separate ourselves for that relationship?
Why would this be? Why would we want to do this? Why would we want to separate ourselves from that which/who is the miracle of life? Are we perhaps scared to death to rekindle that relationship (with God) because we were taught that we need to fear God! That wonderful gentle, compassionate Spirit who offers us His unconditional love and forgiveness! Who offers us a free choice in all and every endeavor that we encounter in our daily lives. Will the One who offers us free choice really punish us if we make the “wrong” choice? If that were the case, then His free choice, is a complete fallacy is it not?
Ancient wisdom teaches that there is no such thing as right or wrong. Nothing in itself is intrinsically right or wrong, it just is. It is the perception we attribute to it, that makes it either right or wrong. All there is, is all there is and all there is LOVE and all there is, is God and God is LOVE! Therefore the only relationship there is is LOVE … is GOD! Love your neighbor like you love yourself … like you love God … like you love Love!
Become self-aware! Our first, only and most important responsibility is towards ourselves! It is about becoming self-aware … not selfish. There is a huge difference between these two! Did that statement make your head spin? I guess it did!
I am going to leave you to ponder that thought! It is also important to know this. Please do not accept anything I share with you. It is only my perception, my understanding, and my experience. I respect, bless, and honor whatever your belief system teaches you!
Do we treat ourselves and others according to this belief that we are holy and divine?
This is a thought-stopping question!
The Course in miracle suggests this: when God is on your mind … when He is truly part of your beingness, you have no choice but to speak … touch … respect … think … listen to … see … love yourself and all other living things, as God would! To practice, this creates miracles, believe you me!
One last comment though! Why do I call God the Great Spirit? It is a term that expresses a deep gentle reverence and connection with the essence and experience of my being!
Peace be with you!
Humility is limiting oneself to an appropriate amount of space whilst leaving space for others. This space can be physical, emotional, verbal, or even metaphorical.”
This is a truly serious statement that begs for contemplation. In our modern meme world where everyone is out to claim, and even go to war for their space, one needs to meditate on how this is manifested in your immediate environment.
Commercial enterprises refer to and are constantly on about their environmental footprint. Have you thought about your personal footprint? I do – often …
Let’s just skip the philosophical elements of the topic for a moment and ground everyone’s immediate thoughts with some practicalities.
Some examples of claiming space:
- When you “double park” your car/bakkie half/half over two parking bays
- • Groceries shopping – one half of your trolley takes up half of the isle while you occupy the rest of the space next to it
- • Wrenching open and shutting doors/drawers instead of opening and closing it
- • Making a mess of your immediate (office/room) space and then expecting someone else to clean up
- • Driving across white lines to pass where you should not or, because you are on your darn cell phone and not paying attention
- • Sitting at a traffic light with your sound system loud enough to entertain a full Loftus stadium
- • Having an office all to yourself while it can in fact comfortably accommodate 5 more people
- • And one that will tip the apple cart (for the best). There is a school of thought suggesting that the owner/MD/CEO of any company does not earn more than 7x that of the lowest-paid employee
I think you get the picture. The list is absolutely endless and we are all guilty of claiming more than what is appropriate.
Are you thinking about how you claim your space? I am …
How about the space you claim by verbally abusing people – employees, family, and the rest?
Is your claim legitimate? Sometimes it may well be, but if you carefully and with intention investigate this question; more often than not your claim may actually be illegitimate.
A friend of mine always says: “never argue, quarrel or fight”. If the situation requires you to state your point or position, do it with dignity and respect. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but if you insist yours be the one and only way – you are in trouble – your claim to this space, may be invalid and driven by fear.
Life is not as complicated as we make it out to be. Simplify and limit your occupation of space to what is appropriate and legitimate.
“Being humble doesn’t mean being a nobody - it just means being no more of a somebody than you ought to be” – A Morinis
Nuff said …
© Matthys Ferreira
Speak when spoken to
Silence is the golden voice of wisdom – it challenges the unknown within and without – it investigates what is in a non-confrontational methodology in order to know the “I” within – the core of beingness!
Smile when people question or criticize the external of you are or at least what they perceive you to be. Truth is, they don’t know you – they do not know you!
And, they never will unless they come to know their inner “I” – their truth! When they do, they will not question – they will offer you the space to be because they will respect your purpose – they will offer guidance (when asking) – they will not instruct or prescribe! They will acknowledge that they don’t know your purpose.
They will be grateful for the opportunity to share with you whatever they do and you will do the same – the time given to you both is but a tiny molecule within the drop – one drop of many that make this universal water body.
At best we do not truly realize our individual importance within our environment – whether this is at work – with friends, family, and some – at least, not in real terms! This importance does not offer us an opportunity to be humble and grateful and to find ourselves through sharing love, forgiveness, and gratitude for the multitude of blessings within every moment, in that moment.
Others may find acknowledgment within their ego-centric-control-freak behavior – but what they don’t realize is that the latter point of departure (ego), whether they are conscious of it or not, is an extremely weak one and it will illustrate their fear in a very visual manner to those with the awareness of higher energy and vibration.
How does one overcome the unaware (ego-centric) behavior?
Be aware that when you express this kind of control-freak behavior towards another – watch your thoughts and intentions and be aware of the internal ego speak and language. Know and acknowledge this immediately and choose to be guided by a new and different approach.
Never ever measure your worth against another based on anything that resembles the external reality (whatever that reality may be) and again remind yourself of your intention and stop – take time out – you are not in the moment – the now! If you don’t – you will not speak with the voice – the tone – the forgiveness and the love of the Great Spirit!
If you keep silent, this silence will be a consciousness of humbleness – the “I” inside – the god within. Stay within and ask for a constant awareness of your thoughts because this, the content of your thoughts, will manifest within you again and if your intentions are impure, those who have the awareness and the quietness of wisdom – will see it. Those who speak when spoken to – those who smile when you cry – when you fear, when you judge – they don’t know “better” – they are just aware of what is and accept it – they enjoy what is – they are grateful for what is because it teaches them what is not and through this, they come to know who they are or not, and this, this knowingness is more important than all else.
In their silence they do know your purpose is different and so is your path, attitude, experience, and your intention even though you are still unaware of it. They will always respect the latter – your awareness and or the lack of it! This acknowledgment is not judgmental in nature because it will come from love and gratitude for what is – it will be okay because the truth is that everything is always exactly as it should be and this where wisdom lies. It is within this secure knowledge that all is okay – the answer for everything is within the silence!
© Matthys Ferreira
All rights reserved
A dedication to all the known and unknown people in our lives.
I don’t know you
it is not important –
what I feel when I hear you
what I see when I look at you
is a beautiful divine being
should your perception of yourself
differ from this –
it is but an illusion
if you would like to be –
that person whom I see
whom I feel
it is your choice to be who I see -
your choice
to be
who you truly are
beautiful and holy divine
you …
© Matthys Ferreira
Mindfulness is an awareness of whatever is happening in the present moment – now!
Osho – one of the wise men of ancient times said “man has to learn only one thing – that it takes only a single step and the journey is over – that step is to do everything watchfully! A man or woman who can do everything fully conscious becomes a luminous phenomenon”.
I have had a number of experiences that would serve as excellent examples of how not to provide a service. What is it with service providers these days?
Do they not understand what it takes to respond to requests and or suggestions by customers? One does have a choice, though – state your case and then take your business elsewhere!
But be that as it may, in business a slow reaction or lackluster approach to customer’s service, will at some point cost you money or even your business and when it happens – please do not point fingers at anybody else – you are responsible!
If one, in my mind, does things with a watchful awareness, you will always do everything in a state of single-mindedness and therefore, there will never be a reason to question your intention – there will never be a reason to query service levels and yes, I do accept that we all falter from time to time – we should accept this as part of our humanness and also forgive all those and ourselves when we falter!
Once this falter becomes a habit, claiming humanness does not cut it anymore.
Another thing that perhaps leads to faltering, is that we want to, randomly, do many things at the same time and this almost always leads to us not doing anything properly.
This can be managed though through structured delegation. And, a delegation that also entails that the other, accepts the responsibility that accompanies the delegation.
I will leave you with this thought! The present moment, whatever it offers is always perfect – it can never be anything else! Creation is perfect – it can never be anything else!
We need to reach that point where we become unconsciously conscious of what we do and how. In this day and age where society puts a high priority and demand on multi-skills and multi-tasking abilities and capacity, the achievement of the former is a tall order and a challenge for all and sundry.
We can but only make a conscious decision to do what we do with a pure intention – every time and all the time by focusing on one thing at a time.
Food for thought - for all of us.
Be good!
© Matthys Ferreira
I read this many years ago and considered it to one of the powerful poems I have ever read. I still do - this is goosebumps stuff!
The Invitation
It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living
I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing
It doesn’t interest me how old you are
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive
It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain
I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own without moving to hide it, fade it or fix it
I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own; if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic or remember the limitations of being human
It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true
I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself
If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul
I want to know if you can be unfaithful and, therefore, trustworthy
I want to know if you can see the beauty even when it is not pretty every day
And if you can source your own life on the edge of a lake and shout silver off the full moon
It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here
I want to know if you will stand in the center of a fire with me and not shrink back
It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied
I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments
Author: Oraih Mountain Dreamer: American Indian Elder
I have just read an interview done by the Daily Maverick with Prof Jonathan Jansen. His turnaround strategy at Kovsies proved highly successful despite also being controversial.
The Prof’s attitude towards everything that he does is driven by among others, a powerful but simple application of a servant leadership intention and the question:
What is it that you want me to do for you today?
Jansen is also a good listener – in fact, it seems that this is what he does best!
Now I am thinking - who else applied the same philosophy?
Here’s a clue. He said: “be still and know that I am God!” Now I am not implying that Jansen is God.
Here’s the thing. All of us have at some point or even more often, questioned our purpose in life. The crux of the answer lies, in my opinion, within the following statement: Our sole purpose in life should be to illustrate God or Godliness irrespective of whatever it is that we do to keep bread on the table (criminal activities excluded).
If the question – what is it that you want me to do for you, is driven by a pure sincere intention to truly apply one's mind to be of service no matter the answer to your question, that will, in my mind illustrate godliness!
Have you asked this question lately? No!
Have you perhaps been thinking along the lines of – I am very productive and creative and although others benefit from this, I am not being rewarded accordingly! Sounds familiar does it not?
Then there is the school of thought who suggests that true rewards are within only (a job well done) and the latter is the only award that one should seek as it illustrates godliness. A valid point when one considers God’s attitude and loving disposition.
So, why is it so difficult for us to live this attitude? Why is it so difficult to put this question to all and sundry, apply our minds and efforts accordingly and basta?
“Be still and know that I am God!” It is suggested that one finds wisdom within the quietness of that brief moment between breathing in and then out. To experience this requires stillness of mind and body - “be still”!
We should thus ask the question – what is it that you want me to do for you today and then just shut up and listen!
We can also ask: God, what is it that you want me to do for you today? I would guess that more often than not, the answer will be: illustrate godliness – love – compassing – sincere commitment and then some!
Ask - listen – do! How difficult can this be?
Pretty darn difficult if one submits to the ego or the prescriptions of the outside world!
Asking the question applies to everyone irrespective of your position on the corporate ladder. And this is especially difficult for those on the ladder.
But then how does this thought grab you? In God’s creation, everything is perfect and everyone is exactly where they should be at any particular time in the now and for one reason only – to illustrate servant leadership and godliness – down and up the ladder!
The master is also the servant and the servant, is also the master in terms of how he/she illustrates godliness towards the up- and down line on their ladder or if you want – in their circle of influence!
Be still – listen – know that I am God!
How difficult can this be?
Be still!
Trees of dreams
There is a breeze that is emotion
emotion at snail’s pace
it weaves side to side
and blinks at every turn
mischief and wonder
shiver the spine
energize the all
with quiet pleasantness
love mysterious
stares through open spaces
of light and laughter
that can be heard only
with the soul
sensed with the inner eye
the beingness of the “I”
Thank you Mother Earth
for the beauty in trees
Copyright: Matthys Ferreira
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