The tools with the first Kefir to be strained. |
You have to take out the trash
The other day I was googling Google with the intention to find a natural probiotic with which I could re-constitute my digestive system – I found Kefir …
And according to all the info at hand, Kefir offers superior therapeutic nutrition on many levels. In fact, the various sources list more than 70 reasons (dis-eases) why one should incorporate Kefir into your daily diet.
Kefir contains many beneficial bacteria, minerals, and essential amino acids to support the body’s natural healing ability. It is suggested that whereas 500ml of yogurt contains 1.5trillion organisms, the same volume of Kefir contains 5 trillion bacteria. It is a no-brainer really. It is rich in Tryptophan, Vitamin B – it is good for cholesterol and many more challenging conditions. It is a natural antibiotic.
• 2 tbsp of live Kefir grains
• 3-4 cup clean glass jar – x2
• Nylon or stainless steel strainer
• Suitable wide mouth glass container with a lid
• 2 cups of fresh milk – any kind even freshly made powder milk will do
Stir the mixture and start straining. |
1. Measure your Kefir grains, and then place in the clean glass jar, with an appropriate amount of fresh milk (1 Tbsp. grains to 1 Cup milk). Cover with the cloth secured with the rubber band and let stand at room temperature for 24 hrs.
2. After culturing kefir grains in milk 24 hours, strain them to separate the live grains from the Kefir liquid by pouring it into a plastic or stainless steel strainer with suitable container beneath to catch the liquid Kefir.
3. Repeat step one with the live kefir grains. Follow step three with the liquid-kefir.
4. Put the strained liquid Kefir in a clean jar and close the lid. Let stand at room temperature for another 24 hours before drinking to let the culture manufacture a high content of B Vitamins (Whey will sit at the top instead of the bottom when ready.) When your liquid Kefir is 48 hours old, it is ready to drink or store in the refrigerator.
This what the grains look like (cauliflower) with the Kefir now in the glass. |
•blend with fruit to make a smoothie (bananas, strawberries, peaches, mangos, blueberries or other berries; or apple with cinnamon spice, pumpkin w/pie spice), or fruit juice
•make milk and honey drink with honey, agave nectar, or maple syrup to your taste.
•make a veggie drink and add spices to taste.
Kefir Tips:
• To avoid damaging your Kefir grains, never add Kefir grains to a hot jar straight after washing the jar with hot water! Slightly warm is okay.
• Designate a spot away from direct sunlight for Kefir fermentation, in a cupboard, etc. Do not fill the fermenting jar more than 3/4, otherwise, the milk will overflow after some hours of fermentation. If the jar is sealed airtight - a slightly carbonated Kefir results. Kefir is mostly prepared with the lid ajar, or cloth covered so that the gas produced through fermentation is allowed to escape.
• During fermentation, gently stir the jar for about 5 seconds whenever you can after the first 8 hours of fermentation. This action feeds the microflora of Kefir grains by bringing lesser fermented milk to the Kefir grain-organisms, while at the same time, inoculates portions of milk with the organisms that leave the surface of the grains.
• When you observe small pockets of whey in the curd, it's ready to strain. It is usually best not to ferment for too much longer after the Kefir shows signs of thickening or small pockets or layers of a pale-yellow liquid [whey] in the curd, otherwise a sourer Kefir results, and quite likely with separation becoming more prominent as 2 layers consisting of a thick white curd with whey at the bottom of the container. This does not mean it has gone bad, but it can make straining more difficult, and some folks may find it too sour for their taste.
• Stirring the Kefir right before straining makes straining a little easier. It usually gives the strained Kefir better consistency.
• as long as Kefir grains have a relatively consistent supply of food, they can live, theoretically, forever.
Where to find Kefir grains?
A Facebook inquiry put me in touch with two people in my town (Nelspruit) who shared some grains with me. And by the way, there is this ancient ethnic thought which suggests that we not sell our live grains but share it as a gift of love with whoever needs Kefir.
I am now in a position to also share.
Personal benefits this far
We have replaced our regular morning smoothie/shake (Futurelife with fruit juice) with a coffee mug of Kefir and we have found that it keeps us going – no discomfort at all – till lunchtime. Our previous breakfast only lasted till about just after mid-morning and we have lost many cravings.
PS: You may want to start with a smaller volume and slowly increase it – Kefir is powerful and you may experience a slight, what we refer to, as a healing crisis – similar to a cold - symptoms when you start out.
Secondly – we have become “regulars” again – if you catch my drift. The colon is kept clean and healthy. And – do yourself a favor and google colon cleansing – you will be scared stiff if you see what we “store” in the colon if you are not “regular”.
Well – there you have it – time to start Kefir-ing…
We absolutely love it ….
Twenty Connected Breaths (Conscious Energy Breathing)
This exercise only takes 30 seconds depending on the “speed” that you employ and is wonderful to energize the body and the mind.
Let’s do it!
• Four short breaths
• At the end of each four – one deep breath
• Inhale/exhale through the nose
• Four short – one long – repeat 4 x non-stop
• Breaths should be connected – don’t stop in between or take a “breather”
• The idea is to create a constant circle of breath
• Begin with this cycle 4 counts in – 4 counts out 4x
• Deep breathe - 8 counts in – 8 counts out 1x
• Repeat the cycle 4x
You can lengthen the in and out time if you so wish, but start with moderation! This really is a powerful technique!
You may experience dizziness, tingling sensations in the hands or stomach or elsewhere in the body. The sensations might differ from practice to practice. This simply means that you are learning and benefiting from the breathing. You might want to do this particular exercise only once per day initially until the body has become used to the extra oxygen. Practice this exercise consistently for one year and you will be surprised by your new found breathing awareness.
Principles of Reiki - Mikao Usui
Just for today, I will not anger.
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
How about applying this every day?
Whether or not a challenge presents itself, expressing this with a pure intention, does evoke calmness – try it …
Be good
Star Exercise
I have now included this exercise into my morning routine which includes 20 minutes of Rebounding/Aerobics ( or read my article on Rebounding on my home page) and 15 minutes of dumbbell bench work. Hasn’t done the Star for a very long time. Be aware that it generates a lot of energy (Ki). Don’t do the Star if you are prone to epilepsy attacks.
Barefoot and preferably on grass – stand your feet about half a meter apart. Stretch your arms outward and level with the ground. Turn the left palm up and the right palm down.
Start breathing – deep and intense – sometimes you may want to breathe rapidly and hard and sometimes it may be slow, deep and intense.
The intention is to draw Universal Life Energy (Ki) into your solar plexus (top of your head). When you see or feel this energy entering your SP Chakra, feel the distribution of this energy throughout your whole body. At the same time visualize this energy moving from your left hand through your body and out of the right hand.
Next, inhale, hold the breath and whilst you continue with the visualization, say: “I am one with the Universal Life Energy – it is flowing through me now – I feel it” Hold the breath only for as long as you feel comfortable with it – exhale and continue the visualization and affirmation.
Enjoy …
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