Osho – one of the wise men of ancient times said “man has to learn only one thing – that it takes only a single step and the journey is over – that step is to do everything watchfully! A man or women who can do everything fully conscious, becomes a luminous phenomenon”.
I have had a number of experiences over the last couple of weeks which would serve as excellent examples of how not to provide a service.
What is it with service providers in Nelspruit? Do they not understand what it takes to respond to requests and or suggestions by customers?
I am beginning to understand why this is called the “slow-veld”.
This does not mean that one has to accept it as the standard. Just state your case and take your business elsewhere!
But be that as it may, in business a slow reaction or lackluster approach to customer’s service, will at some point cost you money or even your business and when it happens – please do not point fingers at anybody else – you are responsible!
If one, in my mind, does things with a watchful awareness, you will always do everything in a state of single-mindedness and therefore there will never be reason to question your intention – there will never be a reason to query service levels and yes, I do accept that we all falter from time to time – we should accept this as part of our humanness and also forgive all those and ourselves when we falter!
Once this falter becomes a habit though, claiming humanness does not cut it anymore. Another thing that perhaps leads to falter, is that we want to, randomly, do many things at the same time and this almost always leads to us not doing anything properly.
This can be managed though through structured delegation. And, delegation that also entails that the other, accept the responsibility that accompanies the delegation.
I will leave you with this thought! The present moment, whatever it offers is always perfect – it can never be anything else! Creation is perfect – it can never be anything else! Food for thought – for every one of us!
Enjoy and be good!