Wednesday, 17 April 2019

When life presents life...

Why this? Why that? Why now? Why me…?

Well, why not?

Someone asked, ‘How are things on your side?” I replied: all is well.
And I am thinking, life is actually pretty good. It is presenting me with opportunities, challenges, disappointment, laughter, death, birth, humor, joy, sadness – in fact, some moments within this presentation are quite demanding. I need to slow down – right down – right now, but life wouldn't let me! Or so I think!

In response however, I am not presenting life with a why - not anymore. Why the hell should I? I trust God, the Great Spirit, the Universe, LIFE and accept that there is a good reason for everything that is being presented, down to the smallest detail. I was not always this trusting though, but then, that is a story for another time. And just by the way, I do not believe in coincidence.

How are you responding to what life is presenting you with? Are you frustrated? Are you grateful? Are you shooting yourself in the foot by denying your own divinity, your own worth and the tremendous value you bring to this world, your family, your work environment? Because if you do, you need to stop right here, right now!

Of course, it is not always easy to embrace that which life presents. It can be pretty brutal at times. But here's the thing. Resistance to what is creates even more difficulty. However, when one embraces what is, irrespective, it becomes easier to manage and learn what needs to be learned. Consider the difficulties as being part of your advance course in those areas and just go and cum it!

I once observed a large rock in a river. It divided a single stream into two streams. The image has stayed with me till this day. This rock did not move or change from one moment to the next. In fact, it did absolutely nothing. It was just there.

But by just being there, it divided the stream – adding speed to the flow of the water – directing part of it in different direction, which brought a whole host of benefits to many. Growing on the side of this rock was a tiny fern. It was battered by the flow of the water but it was beautiful and green and definitely not going anywhere.

You see, often it is not about what you do or what you own. It is about being you. Often and at any one time, your presence at a particular time and place is all that is required for miracles to happen, for things to change and improve for everyone, including you. So yes, you really can be an agent for change by just being you, by consciously sharing and being present.

So, be mindful of the fact that you are a piece of an extremely large puzzle. It is called life and without you, this puzzle is inconclusive. Life cannot present life without you being part of it!

So again, I repeat the invite for you to share your story with the readers via this platform.

Thank you to those readers who have expressed appreciation for the previous Single Story pieces. The intention though, is for you to be the author of this column – not me. So let’s hear it. Email me at