Rebounding (bouncing on a quality mini-trampoline),
although simple in methodology has been dubbed the miracle exercise of the
21st century!
Before I introduce you to rebounding, it is important that you understand how the body works – in particular, the lymphatic system. The latter’s primary function is to rid the body of toxins such as blood protein.
The lymph is to be found in a myriad of vessels just beneath the skin with the nodes which act as filters and the ducts, situated in the chest near the base of one’s throat. This is where the blood protein, once filtered, gets released back into the bloodstream.
The lymphatic system, unlike blood circulation which is driven by the heart, does not have a pump. It is activated through exercise, lightfast stroking of the skin, or in an affected area that suffers from discomfort or by deep breathing. Every cell, of which there are about 70 trillion in the body, generates energy (electricity). These cells are in a constant process of self-regeneration.
The learned Dr. Guyton suggests in a medical textbook that “all chronic pain and suffering and dis-ease are the result of a lack of oxygen at the cellular level”. The dry state is when there is just enough fluid to fill the crevasse between the cells. An active lymphatic system removes access protein and other matter from these crevasses. Should this not happen, the space between cells becomes a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria. Toxins are produced when we do not eat healthily and stress a lot.
And this next statement will probably surprise you. It is suggested that every thought that we think, produces a physical response in the body. When actions related to these thoughts are not concluded, it produces toxins (trapped blood protein and lactic acid) in the body and this, if not properly removed via the lymphatic system, will develop a “wet state” in the body and thus, the cells will not be able to produce energy (electricity) and one will experience dis-ease!
One of the best ways to reduce your risks and boost your lymph circulation, detoxify your body and strengthen your immune system is the rebound exercise. No other activity offers an as effective lymph drainage and with such ease – no strain on the ankles, knees or lower back – and it is pure enjoyment.
I have been rebounding for a number of years and van attest to the health benefits.
Rebounding – the methodology
When you bounce on a quality mini trampoline – even with both feet on the mat – the bounce generates G-force against the earth’s magnetic field. The higher the bounce – 15 to 20 cm – the higher the G-force.
Three types of G-forces are generated: acceleration, deceleration, and, at the top of the bounce – weightlessness! At the bottom of the bounce your weight doubles. The effect of this is that every single cell in your body is getting squeezed from imagine – being a round shape to oval and back again! A simple bounce is all that is required to restore your health and lose weight.
When one begins doing aerobic exercise whilst bouncing at say – the ideal would be, 120 bounces per minute – but you will start slower – the effect on your body can triplicate! Two minutes of rebounding is equivalent to six minutes of running, 10 minutes of swimming and 20 minutes of walking. Thus a 20-minute bounce will be equal to more than an hour’s health and fitness work out in a gym.
Best of all, you can do all of this in the privacy of your home or better even, on the veranda especially now under lockdown and after.
Where does one start?
You start with a quality Rebounder – one that offers a gentle bounce at the bottom end and one that will offer you a support bar. The latter is especially helpful for the well-matured senior. You start slowly and with a gentle bounce. Two to three minutes twice a day is all that is required. Breathe slow (rhythmic) and deep whilst bouncing. This will increase the effectiveness of your bounce even at this initial stage of your rebounding program. You will build these two to three minutes up over time to become 40 minutes – the ideal!
The G-force that rebounding generates, boost Lymphatic movement with as much as 30 times and this increase in lymph movement triples the white blood cell count.
The benefits are multiple. To mention but a few: it retards aging – builds up the immune system – eliminates cellulite – stimulates cognitive and brain function – boost energy levels and minimize the recurrence of colds and so forth and it oxygenates all tissues and it stabilize the nervous system. Side effects are detoxification, aching calves and mild dizziness in the beginning – quite harmless really!
If you are concerned about your health, do your own research and consult with your doctor but do investigate this exercise option. ReboundingSA is endorsed by the Cancer Association of South Africa.
Photos: Justine Mc Farlane
First published by Lowveld Media