Sunday, 28 February 2016


We have two of these feeders in the garden. And at times, the number of birds in attendance makes it looks like the Gillooly’s intersection in Johannesburg.

During breeding season, it is fascinating to sit and watch how, in particular, the sun birds would guide their offspring to these feeding stations. The parents would drink for a bit, fly to a branch nearby and wait for the little ones to drink before they again fly off. They will repeat the process until such time that the little ones have memorised the location and fly in of their own accord.

And then, at some point, they will actually chase the offspring away, violently even, when they want to drink whilst the parents are drinking.

This is the way of nature. When it is time to wean the offspring, the parents will display violent behaviour when chasing the offspring away to go and fend for themselves.

The question which arose in my mind is this. Why is it that we human parents or most parents anyway, insist on subsidising (mentally and materially) their children indefinitely no matter what? And I am not referring to unemployed or disabled children.

In their Gospel of Peace, written thousands of years ago, the Essene people said that we should take our lessons from nature and not from the written word as the latter are dead.

The Dead Sea scrolls (a fascinating read and study) were also written by the Essene people. They lived a sedentary live near the Dead Sea at a place called Qumran and away from “civilisation”. Cultivating their own food by day and teaching their children the truths of the world by night and by observing nature in all her beauty.

And then there is a school of thought that suggests that, if as parents, we teach our children as and what we are supposed to, that by age 7, children should be able to fend for themselves.

I do not support this though but yes, I do question the notion and motivation of infinite subsidisation of children/young adults/young working adults. I am all for drawing the line sooner rather than later, though. The time for this will be determined by the manner of how a parent teaches his/her children to become independent.

Is it because parents feel guilty about their neglect of duty – or low self-esteem?

What do you think?

Tuesday, 16 February 2016


Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, a traveler has stopped and now leans against his car. It is quiet. A light breeze pushes its way through a wheat field. As the last rays of the sun race towards the horizon he recognises the swish of an irrigation system. It tingle’s his nose with a blend of water, dust, and soil. As it reaches his soul, he acknowledges the truth in the moment. "Remarkable," he whispers. Yes, this is it.

You see, wheat in seed form is utterly elegant and simple, with extreme complexity within. The latter can and will only manifest true beauty and value once all the elements synchronise to literally grow this seed to fulfillment.

Every member of a team (the wheat) has been blessed with specific skills and talents. The synchronicity is each member's intention to always add value and enhance the other team members' skills and talents. This is how one creates those conditions where every client, tourist, and a visitor will experience their "remarkable this is it" moments.

To create these conditions one employs technology, visuals and words. Yes, you have to tell stories. You have to tell "remarkable" stories in such a manner that people will nose it – that it will touch their being.

Is your business associated with "remarkable?"

Are you a definer of "remarkable".

Do you create "remarkable” from the heart?

© Matthys Ferreira

Wednesday, 3 February 2016


 We all have lessons to learn and we all are teachers of one another thus, at times one should speak your mind in a non-offensive manner. If someone does however still take offence, then they themselves have to deal with whatever, on an inner level they are projecting to the external environment and other people.

One can only be “disturbed” by others, if you allow it and if you allow it, you should never blame the other for your anger, hurt and some. You made the choice to be angry or hurt.

Now yes, I know that you are probably saying that this is all a lot of hogwash. Perhaps in your perception, it is, and that is fine - whatever you believe is okay and is right for you at the time. The challenge is, however, to respect and allow everybody else the freedom to express their opinion in whatever way they choose to. Obviously within the framework of “decency and non-violence”!

 The latter does at times offer challenges for all parties involved because of how the external world define “decency” and the need which one, at times has to “defend” your point of view because of your status or position.

We are so susceptible to the dictation of our ego’s that it is scary. Yes, I repeat, scary! If you are angry, for whatever reason - it is okay. One should allow the other to vent that anger, preferably in a non-destructive, non-violent manner and bless them.

Anger and disrespectful behaviour is an expression of fear! If you respond angrily, you are creating more fear - listen, acknowledge and let it be!

I received an insightful SMS the other day. It read: “every precious friend is a glimpse of the Great Spirit. It is one of life’s blessings, a priceless gift that can never be bought, sold or forgotten!”

We should consider every person that enter our lives, a gift and express our gratitude for being considerate and quietly respectful!

Silence - yes, what a wonderful teaching methodology! Eloquence in speech is a gift, but the ability to be silent is one of the purist virtues!

Be kind to yourself today!